EMOTIV is delighted to partner with DELL Technologies to better understand how unreliable technology affects our wellness and productivity at work. Whether in the office or while working from home, we all have experienced the all too familiar stressful situations when our computers crash, do not save our work, or do not allow us to log in.
The collaboration between leading technology company, DELL Technologies, and EMOTIV provides unprecedented measures of how those unpleasant work experiences impact our brain. In a recent article Brooke Huling, Vice President of Product Management for Dell Technologies emphasized: “It is more important than ever to provide employees with solid, functioning technology <…> Employees can achieve an astounding 37 percent more in a workday when using technology that is not only newer but supported with the correct software and services.”. With working from home becoming the new norm, reliable computers and software become more important than ever. Mental wellness and health are key as the COVID-19 crisis continues. Technology should ease our lives not make them more difficult. “Right now our computers and operating systems are our only windows to the world,” mentioned EMOTIV President Prof. Olivier Oullier in an article published last week by Reuters. “The moment people started using bad technology, we saw a doubling of their levels of stress.”
Find out more about the study in this Live Interview on LinkedIn News.
***Research participants used identical Dell Latitude systems and accessories; “bad tech” users had bugs introduced which replicate the common system and software failures. These failures included insufficient bandwidth, memory, security failure, OS update failure. All research participants completed a series of including drafting and sending emails, creating documents and spreadsheets, connecting to wireless networks, changing passwords, configuring their SSO, and attending virtual meetings.