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How to get good contact quality with EPOC+?

With brand-new headsets and sensors, new pads are sometimes very dense and tightly woven. A good solution is to remove the pads and roll them firmly between your thumb and finger a few times to loosen up the weave. You can then soak them in the mixture for a few minutes before returning them to the sensor housings. After that process, they should get good data immediately. This should only be required for the first one or two uses, after that they should have loosened up. The sensors need to be fully saturated in the saline solution and when they are new, it takes a lot of solution to fully saturate them.

Please make sure that the felt pads in these two sensor units are making contact with the metal plates, and the metal plates are in place (rather than loose) within the sensor housing. You should feel a click when they are properly installed on the headset. You also need to push each sensor against your scalp and hold them so that it’s making direct contact with your scalp. You will need to get the references green, nothing will turn green unless the references are green so they are the most important to get right first.

Please do the following by paying particular attention to Step 8:

  1. Please ensure that you have allowed the headset to completely charged over night.
  2. Saturate the sensor with saline. This means thoroughly saturating the felt. The felts require moderate to heavy saturation with saline solution. Again, please be sure that you are properly moistening the sensors.
  3. Please make sure that the sensor is fitted.
  4. You will need to ensure that the sensor is in contact with the head. Try to re-seat the headset to make sure the spot hits the head with some tension – this works for all sensors. If you are still experiencing problems, please go to Step 5.
  5. Inspect the sensor. Make sure the gold plate is there and the middle of the sensor dome is clean. Check that the socket is also clean, especially across the front of the gold fingers. Make sure the green stuff has not built up so the sensor does not clip in properly.
  6. Try to press the felt pad firmly into the sensor while it’s connected to the headset (support the back of the sensor to make sure the headset doesn’t get damaged). Alternatively you can get the sensor out in your hand, put your thumb against the back of the gold dome and squeeze the felt pad in with your forefinger. It should protrude by no more than 3mm. Re-saturate and try again. If you are still experiencing problems, please go to Step 7.
  7. Swap the sensor with a working one. If the problem moves, it’s the sensor rather than the socket.
  8. Please try to press down on the 3 sensors + reference sensor (CMS and the DRL – Sensors above the ears) for at least 20 seconds. Ninety percent of the time, this step alone will activate all the sensors.
  9. Please view the following link to ensure proper installation-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ8sgKc65i8&list=PL28088A9243B5EFE8&index=3&feature=plpp_video.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to speaking with you on the follow up.

Updated on 25 Mar 2024

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